I am a senior research scientist at Google DeepMind.

Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Language Technologies Institute (LTI) of Carnegie Mellon University, working with Prof. Graham Neubig and a Rothschild Fellow.

I obtained my PhD in the department of Computer Science at the Technion, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Eran Yahav. My PhD dissertation has been awarded the Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award (formerly “SIGPLAN Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award”).

Previously, I served 7 years as an officer onboard a missile ship in the Israeli Navy. Later, I completed my BSc summa cum laude at the Computer Science Department at the Technion, as an alumnus of The Rothschild-Technion Scholars Program for Excellence. Between 2014-2016, I worked at Microsoft R&D center in Haifa, developing data security services for the cloud. Between June-September of 2018, I interned at Google New-York, researching neural models for speech recognition.

In addition, I hold a B.A. in Humanities.

I am happily married to Lee and father of Gur (November 2023:) and Gali 🙂




  • Universal self-consistency for Large Language Model Generation
    • Xinyun Chen, Renat Aksitov, Uri Alon, Jie Ren, Kefan Xiao, Pengcheng Yin, Sushant Prakash, Charles Sutton, Xuezhi Wang, Denny Zhou
    • [PDF]

Accepted Papers

PhD Thesis

  • Machine Learning for Programming Language Processing


  • 2022 - Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award (formerly “SIGPLAN Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award”)
  • 2021-2022 – Rothschild Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  • 2021-2022 – Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellowship (declined)
  • 2020 – ACM SIGPLAN Research Highlight, “code2vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Code” (POPL’2019)
  • 2019 – Jacobs Excellence Scholarship
  • 2019 – Department Funding Excellence Scholarship
  • 2018 – Department Funding Excellence Scholarship
  • 2016 – Excellent Teaching Assistant
  • 2016 – Dean’s Excellent Scholarship
  • 2016 – Alumnus of the Rothchild-Technion Program for Excellence
  • 2015 – SAMBA – CS Excellent Students



  • Reviewer: ICLR’2024 (Outstanding Reviewer), NeurIPS ‘2023 (Top Reviewers), ICLR’2023, NeurIPS ‘2022 (Outstanding Reviewer), TMLR, ICML’2022 (Outstanding Reviewer), ICLR’2022 (Highlighted Reviewer), AIPLANS NeurIPS 2021 workshop, ICML’2021 (top 10% Best Reviewers), ICLR’2021, NeurIPS’2020, ICLR’2020
  • Program Committee: MAPS’2022, Deep Learning for Code ICLR’22 workshop, PLDI’2021, NeurIPS’2020 CAP workshop, AIDM’20, AIDM’19
  • Area Chair: Learning on Graphs ‘2022